Naomi Christian- Richardson and Jacqueline Duggins- Horsford from the Milton Peters College as our Guest Speakers.
On Tuesday September 28th, we had 
Naomi is the Department Head of the HAVO/VWO Department, and Jacqueline is the General Director of the Milton Peters College and the Sundial School. Both schools fall under the SVOBE (Stichting Voortgezet Onderwijs Bovenwindse Eilanden) Schoolboard.

The SVOBE Schools are offering education on different levels, namely:
- HAVO (Dutch)
- VWO (Dutch)
- TKL (Dutch)
- CCSLC/CSEC (English)
- PKL/PKL (English)
The HAVO prepares students for higher professional education (HBO), while the VWO prepares students for University (WO). The TKL, CCSLC and PKL/PBL Department are offering Basic Secondary Education (VSBO) on Vocational level. The Characteristics are:
Different methods in teaching, students are taught and encouraged to be independent, as well as to do group work and to be critical thinkers.
The VSBO has different sectors, that students can choose from in forms 3 and 4. While for the HAVO/VWO Department choosing a profile starts in forms 4, 5 and 6. After completing VSBO, HAVO or VWO students can further their students either locally or abroad. Those who qualify, can get a study loan from the Ministry’s Study Financing Department.
Naomi and Jacqueline also shared about the different challenges the school is facing, such as financial subsidy, high turnover of teachers and the COVID Pandemic to name a few.
Overall, it was a very informative presentation, that encouraged a lot of questions and discussions.
Both Naomi Christian- Richardson and Jacqueline Duggins-Horsford were presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for their informative and inspiring presentation.