Guest speaker on " Child Obesity"
On Tuesday June 1st, we had Swinda Richardson as our guest speaker. Swinda Richardson is the Public Health Nutritionist /Dietitian of Collective Prevention Services. At CPS, her role encompasses Health and Nutrition Education, Health Promotion and Awareness, and Project Coordinator. Swinda presented about “Childhood Obesity”. She explained what the difference is between being overweight and obese. She compared regional with local stats. In addition to a high BMI, the following factors can play an important role:
• Child’s eating habits
• Level of physical activity
• Family’s History of obesity
• Other existing medical and health conditions
• Psychological disposition
• Blood tests
Swinda mentioned some contributing factors such as; high calorie diet, low nutrient food and beverages, minimal or no physical activity, poor sleep routines, use of medication, families lack of time to prepare meals at home, affordability of healthy food options, media, political, social and peer support, economic factors.
Furthermore, she shared the consequences of Childhood Obesity.
We can combat Childhood Obesity is by:
- Preparing meals at home;
- Make healthier food choices;
- Lead by example;
- Have more physical activity.
At the end of a very informative presentation, Swinda was presented with a token of appreciation on behalf of the club.