Water and Sanitation Month

On Tuesday March 8th, we had ing. Patrick Drijvers from N.V. G.E.B.E. as our guest speaker.
NV GEBE is the sole utility company producing and distributing electricity and distributing water on St. Maarten. Mr. Drijvers, a Mechanical Engineer by profession, holds the position of Assistant Manager within the Distribution Department and is charged with overseeing the Planning and Engineering and Execution of projects within our electricity and water distribution network.
Patrick shared about the distribution process at NV GEBE and its challenges. The biggest achievement in the water distribution is Non-Revenue Water reduction. N.V. G.E.B.E. was faced with annual increases of unaccounted for water in the water distribution network. The Non- Revenue Water or NRW in 2003 was at 20% and was a concern for N.V.G.E.B.E. at that time. In 2014 this increased to an amount of +40%. Having done numerous research and field testing, it was concluded that the losses were administrative losses based on the inaccuracy of the (mechanical) water meters. This was documented and steps were taken to change the existing meters to new meters. Since that change, the NRW has dropped to under the 30% mark. The NRW is not only the result of meter inaccuracy, but is also leaking water lines in the water grid. Addressing both issues, the losses are currently at 22% and the goal is to reduce it to below 20%.
It was a very informative presentation. Mr. Drijvers was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by Pres. Wayne on behalf of Mid Isle.